Tuesday, October 21, 2008

cute girl emoticons

Free Animated Emoticons: Cutie Girls

More Emoticons at http://www.myem0.com


More Kitty Emoticons at http://www.myem0.com/

Emoticons tip of the day.

When you use Emoticons in your chatting windows, make sure your coding, which willl replace by your emoticons do not make the reader confuse. For example, if you make a code go with one running cartoon emotions, when you type the word go it will show the men running emoticions. However, when you type the word good, it will also show the men running emoticons and the rest two characters "OD". If it happens too much, it can really annoyed your friends or the readers. Use emoticons wisely.......

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Kitty Emoticons

More Free Animated Emoticons: Kitty

More Emoticons at http://www.myem0.com

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More Kitty Emoticons at http://www.myem0.com/

Emoticons Tips of the day: Sensitive Emoticons

Be careful, your favorite emoticons maybe intolerable for someone. your favorite picture may make someone mad. It could happen and it did happen before.

In the internet world, you are welcome to all new people around the world all the time. People from different culture and different background. Let's give you a soft example, If you keep showing pig emoticons to represent something fat. It might be funny for you or your friends but it may totally be sensitive for someone who are already have a high weight. Remember, use Emoticons wisely.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

MSN Emoticons

Good Places you can download free MSN Emoticons

Below is the set of free animated emoticons for msn you can download.

All Emoticons -- Msn Emoticons for emails and instant messaging
My Emoticons -- Smiley msn Emoticons
Alien Emoticons -- Simple emoticons for an msn message
Animated Emoticons -- If you need full emoticons from this website you need to be a member.
MSN4U -- hundreds of emoticons for you to choose
Addemoticons -- Fun and Free Animated Emoticons for your msn
Emoticonstaller -- Emoticon Installer.
MSN-Org -- MSN Organization. Free download and news about emoticons

Friday, September 26, 2008

West and East Emoticons

Western and Asian Style Emoticons

Before today emoticons in the graphical form, or we call animate emoticons, we use emoticons in a basic style that writer or communicator can create by themselve. You don't have to download free animated emoticons from any websites.

The simple emoticons were first created by Western people, which are different that today style that popularize by Asian or we can call them "Asian Emoticons style." The emoticons from Western are in the format that you have turn your face to the left because they were written from left to right. The eyes will be on the left, then nose and mouth respectively.

See example of Western Emoticons Style.

:-) --- Smiling
:-( -- Sad
B- Man with Glasses

On the other hand, Asian created more understandable emoticons in the "Top Down Style." It is getting more popular and use widespread before the free animated emoticons come to replace them nowaday.

Example of Asian Emoticons Style.

d^_^b -- Listen to music
^-^ -- Siimple smiling
T-T -- Crying

There are thousands of way to create cool emoticons. Go check out below link for common emoticons

Saturday, September 20, 2008

What is Emoticons?

Free Animated Emoticons

Emoticons come from two seperate words which are Emotion and Icon. Therefore, the meaning is quite clear that Emoticons are the icon to display your emotion.

the purpose of this blog is to provide you free animated emoticons for you to use in many different situation.

This free animated emoticons appear to be first use around 1857 in the Moss code form by The National Telegraphic Review and Operators Guide. They decided to use number 73 to represent kiss and love and from then people start to use many different kinds of symbol to represent the words.

One of the most popular form of emoticons before it develop to be animated emoticons like today are the combination of characters on your keyboard combining to be a human emotion such as smile :), sad :( and many many form as much as the creators can imagine.

Today any cartoons and characters are also developed in a form of free animated emoticons to help promoting those characters when people use them in there msn or any other online places.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Doraemon Emoticon

Download free Doraemon emoticon here

Instruction how to download Doraemon emoticon

  1. Right click at the Doraemon emoticon you want.
  2. Choose save picture as.
  3. Choose folder destination you want to save.
  4. Simply click save.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kitty Emoticon

Download free kitty emoticon

Instruction how to download kitty emoticon
1. Right click at the kitty emoticon you want.
2. Choose save picture as.
3. Choose folder destination you want to save.
4. Simply click save.